After helping others learn SQL for several years now, I keep coming back to the same topics over and over. So, I decided to write down these SQL tutorials, and continually improve them over the years. What I’ve been able to collect here is just the introduction.
This series is an introduction to Microsoft SQL database programming. You’ll need to have a good grip on these concepts before the other classes will be as useful to you. I plan to create several more classes in addition to this class.
- x01 series will be database programming
- x02 series will be database administration
- x03 series will be database architecture
- x04 series will be about data mining and analysis
I may add in more series as I go, but for now, all the stuff I’ve taught fits easily into one of these categories. Let me tell you about the lesson plan.
- What is a database — Introduction, vocabulary, and basic concepts
- SELECT — Getting data out of your database
- Filtering Results — limiting the number of results you get
- Filtering Results (Part 2)
- Advanced LIKE Clauses — an introduction to pattern matching strings in Microsoft SQL
- Calculated Fields — Concatenating and performing mathematics
- Summarizing Data — counting, finding the maximum and minimum values
- GROUP BY — grouping together similar data
- Sub Queries — using one query as a value in another
- JOIN — using the relationship part of relational database system
- INSERT — putting data into your database
- UPDATE — making changes to your data
- TRANSACTION — as good as a bullet-proof vest!
- DELETE — removing data from your database
These articles are here to help you understand Microsoft SQL. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let me know. I can only teach you what you want to learn, if you let me know what that is!