My personal goal is to post an article every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. What I’d like to do is create stubs in my content database with each of those days already set aside. That way, I can look at the next stub available and simply start writing.
The challenge for today is to create a T-SQL script that will list the days in the month that fall on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday.
If you want to take part in this challenge, stop here, and attempt this on your own.
My Solution
My first attempt at this solution had me setting up a few variables. @daylist, the string that would hold the output. @dayOfMonth would hold the date we’re testing. Basically we’re going to iterate through each day of the month and test it to see if it’s a Monday, Wednesday or Friday. And I needed one last variable to hold on to the current month being tested. I used a datetime so I’d be able to do date math on the @searchMonth.
After I set up the variables, I entered the current month I wanted to search, and stored that in @dayOfMonth. Then I set the @searchMonth to the same. Next I set up the formatting on the @daylist. I want the output to begin “yyyy/mm:” and then enter all the dates that match my criteria.
After that, I simply use a WHERE loop to test every day from the 1st to less than the first day of the next month. In this loop I check the weekday DATEPART of the date. A DATEPART returns an integer representation of the day of the week. Sundays are 1, Mondays are 2, etc.
So I simply test for where the weekday DATEPART is 2,4,or 6 and I’m collecting Monday’s Wednesdays and Fridays!
Here is my first solution:
DECLARE @daylist VARCHAR(255) DECLARE @dayOfMonth DATETIME DECLARE @searchMonth DATETIME SET @dayOfMonth = '1/1/2005' --set the searchmonth = to the current working month SET @searchMonth = @dayOfMonth --set the prefix for the @daylist (yyyy/mm: ) SET @daylist = CONVERT(VARCHAR(4), datepart(YEAR, @dayOfMonth)) + '/' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), datepart(MONTH, @dayOfMonth)) + ': ' --PRINT @daylist WHILE @dayOfMonth < DATEADD(month, 1, @searchMonth) BEGIN PRINT @dayOfMonth IF (datepart(weekday, @dayofMonth) IN (2,4,6)) BEGIN SET @dayList = @daylist + CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), datepart(day, @dayofMonth)) + ', ' END SET @dayOfMonth = DATEADD(day, 1, @dayofMonth) END SELECT @daylist
The only problem is you have to enter the month and year for each month and year you want to search…That’s boring. I want to do this a month at a time. Rather than being bored, I decided to “upgrade” the script to run for a year at a time.
By adding a couple variables, one of which being a table variable, I was able to enter a year, and have this script generate the list of Monday, Wednesday and Fridays for the whole year!
DECLARE @daylist VARCHAR(255) DECLARE @dayOfMonth DATETIME DECLARE @searchMonth DATETIME DECLARE @month INT DECLARE @year INT DECLARE @monthList TABLE (daylist VARCHAR(255) ) --choose the year you wish to run SET @year = 2005 SET @month = 1 WHILE @month < 12 --run for every month BEGIN --build the first day of the month SET @dayOfMonth = CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), @month) + '/1/' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(4), @year) --set the searchmonth = to the current working month SET @searchMonth = @dayOfMonth --set the prefix for the @daylist (yyyy/mm: ) SET @daylist = CONVERT(VARCHAR(4), DATEPART(YEAR, @dayOfMonth)) + '/' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), DATEPART(MONTH, @dayOfMonth)) + ': ' --PRINT @daylist --for every day in the @searchMonth WHILE @dayOfMonth < DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @searchMonth) BEGIN PRINT @dayOfMonth --if the weekday is Monday, Wednesday or Friday, include it in our @daylist IF (DATEPART(WEEKDAY, @dayofMonth) IN (2,4,6)) BEGIN SET @dayList = @daylist + CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), DATEPART(DAY, @dayofMonth)) + ', ' END --go to the next day SET @dayOfMonth = DATEADD(DAY, 1, @dayofMonth) END --insert the @daylist into our table of @daylists INSERT INTO @monthList SELECT @daylist SET @month = @month + 1 END --See the results SELECT * FROM @monthList
This is the kind of simple problems I love to solve. State the problem, and create a solution. What do you think? What kinds of simple problems have you had to solve using T-SQL? Share them below!