I just wanted to thank you all for a wonderful year. I’ve really enjoyed pushing myself to produce a post a week this year. It was challenging, but fun. I’d like to ask for a Christmas present from you all this year. It’s nothing that will cost you money. It will only cost you a…
Month: December 2006
Optimizing Queries
This is the first article in a never ending series of articles on how to optimize your queries. Honestly, this is a topic I’m still learning volumes about. I learned pretty early on the number one rule to getting fast results from a SELECT query. Limit the results to the minimum you need If you…
SQL 201 – Statistics
Microsoft SQL Servers collect statistical information on indexes and column data stored in each database. These statistics are used by the query optimizer to choose the most efficient way to execute your queries. Good statistics hep the optimizer to asses the cost of different query plans, then choose the “best” method to execute your query….