If you’re not already a member of the Charlotte SQL Server User Group, go now and sign up. This group is a great resource of knowledge and connections to the SQL Server community in Charlotte, NC. Their plan is to get together once a month and discuss a new and interesting topic on SQL Server….
Month: July 2007
Identity Columns
An IDENTITY column is a column that automatically gets it’s value set by the database engine when a new record is added. This is one of the oldest ways Microsoft SQL has of making sure a record is unique. Even if a user were to insert the same record twice, the IDENTITY will always be…
Computed Columns
What is a Computed Column A computed column is a column that users will not enter data for, but the SQL Server will compute and store a value in. The expression for a computed column may include the names of other columns in the table. These columns can also be combined with literal values and…