Yesterday I covered the basics of partitioned views. I also mentioned there were some gotchas when it comes to modifying the data in those partitioned views. I’d like to go into more detail about that today. The first big gotcha on updating data in a partitioned view is making sure you can update the data…
Month: August 2010
Partitioned Views
Last week I covered partitioning. I explained how you could set up filegroups in your database, and then split data from a single table or index across those filegroups. That way you can reduce blocking in your objects by physically separating the data into parts. I even covered how you could use partitioning to speed…
Partitioning: MERGE, SPLIT, and SWITCH
OK, you know how to set up partitioning for a table and an index, and now you think you’ve solved your deadlocking, and your I/O issues forever, right? Hardly. Once you’ve been in SQL long enough you learn that no answer is forever. Inevitably you’ll have to revisit your old queries and see if their…
Partitioned Tables and Indexes
Ok, at this point you should know how to set up a PARTITION FUNCTION and a PARTITION SCHEME. Now, we’re going to move on and apply this SCHEME (and in turn the FUNCTION) to a table and an Index. I’m going to include a little recap, just in case you’ve missed anything so far. All…
Partitioning was a feature added with Microsoft SQL 2005 to allow users to split up large tables across multiple storage locations. Partitioning can be applied to tables, indexes and indexed views. By partitioning the data across multiple locations you can speed up query times, reduce contention between queries, and improve overall performance under certain conditions….
Missed Deadlines
Looks like I missed my personal deadline to take my 70-433 last month. I let myself get wrapped up in the final phases of development on a conversion I’ve built for Wachovia/Wells Fargo. The good news is the extra effort has paid off in testing. We’ve worked through the first round of testing with only…
Partition Schemes
In my last article I started covering partitioning. I’m going to pick that up and continue with how to create your database to use multiple filegroups. Without multiple filegroups, you aren’t going to see how partitioning can really improve your database’s performance. Let’s set up the database that’s going to house our table of items…