You may have noticed there are fewer posts on here than there have been in several months. Well, I’ve been sitting on some news. I’m working with several new sites to publish articles. I’ve made the decision to make this site a central hub. I’ll link out to all my articles as they become live on the other sites.
The up-side for you is you can subscribe to my individual categories of articles. If you’re looking for my career development articles, those will move over to If you’re looking for my SQL 101 materials, those can be found over on If you’re looking for my certification articles, those will be on I’ll continue to guest blog SQL topics on a couple other sites too!
There are other other topics that I’ll cover exclusively on this site as well. But considering the number of other sites I’ll be on, the number of exclusive articles found here will be fewer than there were before.
As always, I’m here to help.