Within a few days of using SQL, you’re going to start wondering if there is a way to speed up your code writing. The good news is you can do that with Aliases. You can give a table or a column another name by using an alias. This can be a good thing to do if you have very long or complex table or column names.
An alias name could be anything, but usually it is short. I like using single character aliases if I can get away with them
SQL Alias Syntax for Tables
SELECT columnName FROM tableName AS tn
SQL Alias Syntax for Columns
SELECT columnName AS cn FROM table_name
The only catch is be careful when you have similarly aliased objects. If the two aliases introduce more confusion than clarity… Only alias one of them.
Alias Example
Assume we have a table called “Persons” and another table called “Product_Orders”. We will give the table aliases of “p” and “po” respectively.
Now we want to list all the orders that “Ash Williams” is responsible for. (I’m thinking boomsticks, shotguns, and hopefully the Necronomicon!
We use the following SELECT statement:
SELECT po.OrderID , p.LastName , p.FirstName FROM Persons AS p INNER JOIN ProductOrders AS po ON p.personID = po.personID WHERE p.LastName='Williams' AND p.FirstName='Ash'
Compare the aliased version with the following:
SELECT ProductOrders.OrderID , Persons.LastName , Persons.FirstName FROM Persons INNER JOIN ProductOrders ON Persons.personID = productOrders.personID WHERE Persons.LastName='Williams' AND Persons.FirstName='Ash'
As you’ll see from the two SELECT statements above; aliases can make queries easier to both write and to read. If you have any questions about aliases, or anything else in SQL, please let me know! I’m here to help!