When you start creating tables and setting them so they can’t have NULL values, you’ll eventually need a way to define a default value for the column. A default value is one that a column would apply to its record if a value is not provided.
To specify the default value in a SQL statement, assign the desired value to the DEFAULT keyword. Here are examples:
CREATE TABLE character ( firstName NVARCHAR(50) , lastName NVARCHAR(50) , Planet NVARCHAR(20) DEFAULT N'Tatooine' )
When in doubt, start on Tatooine!
You don’t have to use literal values for DEFAULT. You could use a function too.
CREATE TABLE character ( firstName NVARCHAR(50) , lastName NVARCHAR(50) , Planet NVARCHAR(20) DEFAULT N'Tatooine' , birthDate DATETIME DEFAULT GETDATE() )
If the table exists already and you want to add a column that has a default value, use the ALTER TABLE command.
ALTER TABLE &let;TableName> ADD &let;ColumnName> DEFAULT &let;value>
Let’s assume the birthDate column hadn’t already been added to the character table.
That’s all you have to remember in order to set a column to use a DEFAULT value. If you have any questions, send ’em in. I’m here to help!