I passed the exam! Woo hoo! It feels great to have passed this milestone. I want to finish up this series so I can help you pass too! I will say there are some things I feel I need to study more after taking the exam, but I feel that way after every exam. For…
Tag: 70457
Studying for the 70-457: Part Deux
January 31 is coming up pretty fast ,Just 3 more days, so I want to try to knock out the rest of the study guide in the next couple days so that I’m ready Thursday! Let’s jump right in! Work with Data Query data by using SELECT statements. This objective may include but is not…
Studying for the 70-457
January 31st is the day I’ve set to take the 70-457: Transition Your MCTS on SQL Server 2008 to MCSA: SQL Server 2012, Part 1. So let’s jump right in to the materials covered. I’m going to link to the articles I’ve already published. Then, for those I haven’t I’ll be diving in to those I’m…