I passed the exam! Woo hoo! It feels great to have passed this milestone. I want to finish up this series so I can help you pass too! I will say there are some things I feel I need to study more after taking the exam, but I feel that way after every exam. For…
Tag: Certification
Studying for the 70-457: Part Deux
January 31 is coming up pretty fast ,Just 3 more days, so I want to try to knock out the rest of the study guide in the next couple days so that I’m ready Thursday! Let’s jump right in! Work with Data Query data by using SELECT statements. This objective may include but is not…
Studying for the 70-457
January 31st is the day I’ve set to take the 70-457: Transition Your MCTS on SQL Server 2008 to MCSA: SQL Server 2012, Part 1. So let’s jump right in to the materials covered. I’m going to link to the articles I’ve already published. Then, for those I haven’t I’ll be diving in to those I’m…
70-450: Complete!
After another month of studying, I finally took the 70-450. I’m happy to say I passed! I did learn one thing from the exam: I should spend more time with encryption techniques and what all you can accomplish through encryption. Unfortunately, I’ve never had the business excuse to practice with encryption. I am interested in…
70-450: IO Throughput
Today I’m getting back to studying for the 70-450. To follow up the last few articles I’m still in the first bullet point from the official guide. Designing a SQL Server Instance and a Database Solution (14 percent) Design for CPU, memory, and storage capacity requirements. This objective may include but is not limited to:…
70-450: Calculating Table Size
In my previous three posts I covered different RAID solutions, and when I use each type of RAID. That’s just the first part of the first section of the 70-450. Designing a SQL Server Instance and a Database Solution (14 percent) Design for CPU, memory, and storage capacity requirements. This objective may include but is…
70-450:Implementing RAID Solutions
Problem 1 Developers come to you with a new physical database server that hosts a single database. It’s going to be your responsibility now. Currently the server is running off a single hard drive, the operating system and database files are all on that one drive. You realize you have to provide some fault tolerance…
70-450: SQL and RAID 5/10
Continuing SQL and RAID, let’s pick up RAID 5 and RAID 1+0 (or just 10) This content is still for the first skill measured in the 70-450, per the official Microsoft page for the 450: Designing a SQL Server Instance and a Database Solution (14 percent) Design for CPU, memory, and storage capacity requirements. This…
70-450: SQL, RAID 0, RAID1
Let’s get ready for the 70-450. Hit the official Microsoft page for the 450, and you’ll see the first skills measured on the exam: Designing a SQL Server Instance and a Database Solution (14 percent) Design for CPU, memory, and storage capacity requirements. This objective may include but is not limited to: RAID, calculating table…
70-432: Post-op
I passed the 70-432! After two months of preparations I did it! I’d like to let you know a little about my experience with SQL, so you can judge how much of this prep you might need to do. I began in 99 as a web programmer using the LAMP stack. Within a few years…